Saturday, November 5, 2011

Thanks, Day 5

I was trying to avoid being thankful sappy here, but I'm feeling sappy so I can't help it. I drove to Cincinnati today to see my Aunt Louise. My buddy Pat was nice enough to ride along and bring her little dog. Aunt Louise loves dogs and now that she lives in a retirement home she doesn't get her hands on one too often. We had a good visit and it was a beautiful day for a drive.

Aunt Louise is 98 years old. She'd be furious with me for telling you that, so keep it to yourself. I've heard her use this line a thousand times: Someone will ask how old she is and Louise will say "Can you keep a secret?" When the person says yes, Aunt Louise says "so can I." Some of her cronies in the home have pulled me aside and asked me how old she is because she won't tell them. Neither will I. If you have a little vanity at 98 then I say good for you!

At 98, she still lives in her own apartment. Uses a walker, but gets to the dining room on her own for dinner. Has lived an amazing life for a woman of her time - she graduated from college, worked in a children's home in the south when she was barely in her twenties, became a minister in the Methodist church, traveled all over the world as a missionary and tells fascinating stories about all of it. Slightly embellished stories, possibly, but only to make them just a bit more colorful.

For example, while I was out picking up our lunch, Louise regaled Pat with the story about her former neighbors (before the home) and how the man murdered his wife. With a sledgehammer. Blood was everywhere! And he only spent one night in jail.

Appalling as it is, I know for a fact that Louise's neighbor did kill his wife with a hammer. She was terminally ill, he was her caregiver. I know Louise heard about it, but "I heard my neighbor killed his wife" becomes much more riveting when you throw in a few extra details. It takes a story from good to great.

Aunt Louise is the last living relative in the generation above me. Once she's gone, there won't be any aunts or uncles left. So, I'm thankful she's still around and still pretty sharp and healthy.


1 comment:

  1. Aunt Louise sounds like an amazing woman. Clearly amazing-ness and the ability to tell a great story runs in the family.
