Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Thanks, Day 22

What I know about electronics you could store on a 2 gig thumb drive and still have 2 gigs of memory left. It's amazing I can use gig and thumb drive in a sentence.

I bought a digital camera from Craig's List a few months ago with the help of a friend. I bought a 4 gig memory card for it, took a few pictures, and then dropped it or bumped it or something and shattered the viewing screen. I don't know how it happened. It still takes pictures, you just can't see them on the camera, and that's kind of the point of digital cameras. (Oh, your eyes are closed, let me take it again).

I want to take Thanksgiving pictures so I borrowed a digital camera from a friend. A friend who found her camera, but couldn't find her memory cards. The memory card from my broken camera fits perfectly into her camera, but doesn't work. The screen won't even light up.

So what do I do? Do I search online and try to find an answer? Do I go to Cord or Best Buy for some expert advice? No, I do the sensible thing and head over to Discount Drug Mart.

A few of you may know that Discount Drug Mart is one of my favorite stores. It's close to my house and it sells EVERYTHING. Little peat pots to sprout last years tomato seeds? Discount Drug Mart. Wine? Furnace filter? Frozen pizza? Socks? Discount Drug Mart. It's a fabulous store.

When I got there I wasn't sure where to find memory cards so I asked a young woman who works there. She said "sure we have them" (I knew they would) and walked with me to a service counter. The cards were hanging on a wall behind the counter, obviously for security reasons.

I had the card with me that didn't work. I showed it to the nice young woman (I wish I had gotten her name) and explained my problem to her. I knew the camera needed an SD card; the card I had said SD on it, but also HC. I asked if she knew what that meant. She didn't, but she took her smart phone out of her pocket and googled it for me. It means "High Capacity" and HC cards are not compatible with all kinds of cameras. She sold me an SD card with half the capacity of the one I had. It was $14.99, hence the secure location behind the counter. I came home, put it in the camera and - voila! - it works.

This whole exchange took less than 10 minutes, and I'm so grateful - for pleasant and helpful store clerks and for Discount Drug Mart.

1 comment:

  1. PS - while Discount Drug Mart is a fairly large chain of about 70 stores, they are Ohio based and owned. Kind of like shopping local : )
