Monday, April 29, 2013

Go Ahead, Have a Cow

My friend Marsha and I have a long-standing tradition of exchanging cards and gifts that feature cows. I'm not sure how or why it started. Guess we were just in the moooooood.

Anyway, for my recent birthday, I received this card in the mail:

A couple days later, I had dinner with Marsha and another friend Betsy and received this:

It might be hard to tell from the photo, but that's a little cow tea pot. You put a cup of water in it, pop it in the microwave, then hold it by its tail and pour the hot water out its nose. It's very cute.

It's cow pottery, not to be confused with cow poetry.

I was surprised when I also got this:

That's right, a peach pie. My favorite. So much my favorite that I wolfed down a big piece as soon as I got home from dinner before I even thought about taking a picture of it.

So, thanks to Marsha and Betsy, and fulfilling the prophecy of the card, I am now able to tell you that I got a cow pie for my birthday.

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