Friday, March 15, 2013

Sleep Follow-Up

I know, I know. You're all probably wondering "what on earth happened at Jeano's sleep study?"

Let me tell you:

1. I don't have sleep apnea. I don't have restless leg syndrome.

2. I never thought I did.

3. I was wired from head to toe. I'd estimate there were at least 15 wires and devices hooked up to various parts of my body.

4. During the 5 hours they said I slept, I never once achieved REM sleep.

5. I'm blaming that on #3.

6. I went home the next morning and took a shower. I had to work really hard to get the gauze and gooey stuff out of my hair from where they attached 4 wires.

7. Turned out they attached 5, and I didn't discover that till I was out of the shower and brushing my hair and hit more gauze and goo.

8. I now have concerns about how thoroughly I'm shampooing.

9. What were those directions again? Lather, rinse, repeat?

10. The study wasn't nearly as bad as I expected it to be.


  1. Like my comment on the previous post, I had made a comment on this one that isn't showing up now either. wth. Anyhow, if they didn't note any sleep apnea or restless leg syndrome during your sleep study, what's next?

    Glad the sleep study wasn't as bad as you thought it would be.

    And I still have full confidence in your hair washing ability.

  2. I did one of those studies too Jeano and an all day nap study the next day. So I had wires and goo on for 20 hours. I went in to test for sleep apnea, which i also knew I didnt have. Turns out i am just naturally more tired than normal people, can fall asleep in 2 minutes instead of the average of 10, and am basically on the verge of sleep all the time. So it turned out my superpower really was napping. Hope your results are good.
