Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The Twelve Days of Christmas - Day 8

On the eighth day of Christmas, Chrissy, Emily and I visited my friend Pat and swam in her indoor pool. If you want to impress a seven year old, I recommend a beautiful, bathtub-warm indoor pool, with a poolside dinner of pizza and peanut brittle.

Being in the pool with Em is like being in the pool with an otter. She swims, she dives, she flips, she does handstands. She takes a running start from the side, jumps, tucks, and yells "Cannonball!" which, on second thought, isn't very otter-like but I'll bet otters would do it if they could.

A note about the pizza: Pat called and asked me what kind of pizza Emily would like. I asked Emily and she thought for just a second or two and said "Sausage. With those, you know, banana peppers." I was somewhat surprised but passed the info along to Pat, who agreed to order it, and I also mentioned it later to Chrissy.

Fast forward to me being at work and Chrissy and Emily hanging out, just the two of them. Chrissy told Emily she was surprised that she liked sausage and banana peppers on her pizza. And do you know what Emily said? "Oh, I've never had it before, it just sounds good."

The kid kills me. And she discovered she does, indeed, like pizza with sausage and banana peppers.

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