Thursday, September 29, 2011

Why Teachers Don't Get Paid Enough

My daughter, who teaches high school science, shared this story with me. She has a new student in class as of yesterday – I don't know the young lady’s name – but she hadn’t yet been to school this year because she’s been in juvenile detention. She is currently wearing a “house arrest” ankle bracelet under her knee socks because she’s being charged with felonious assault. With a can opener.

That's probably better than felonious assault with a gun or knife, but a felony is a felony and my daughter is still wary. In fact, here's what she wrote to me:

"To look at the girl from the ankle up, she's sweet as pie. Cute, small framed, wore a pony tail and a headband. But look at her from the ankle down and all you see is a little square that says 'back off, bitch, I'll kill you with the first blunt object I can grab." 

Think about that the next time someone says "Teachers have it easy, they get the summer off."

1 comment:

  1. They need the summer off to decompress from the daily potential assault from those that are sweet as pie from the ankle up and ready to stab you in the neck with a ruler in math class, a pencil in english, a test tube in science, a paint brush in art or a tennis racquet in gym. I'm thinking if you need an ankle bracelet they should leave you locked up in places where the adults are allowed to protect themselves with stun guns or bullets. I'm just sayin...
