Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Notes from the Road, #4

My friend Pat, her dog Sadie and I stopped at a rest area somewhere in Nebraska, on our way to Idaho.

Like many rest areas along I-80, this one, in addition to bathrooms, vending machines and picnic tables, offers a tourist attraction. I find that odd...and oddly interesting.

While we're letting Sadie stretch her legs, I see a historical marker off in the distance. There is a walkway leading out to it, so I decide to investigate. Pat follows soon after and since we're getting farther from the road and other travelers, she drops Sadie's leash and lets her run on ahead to me.

It's a big historical marker, mounted on a slant on a concrete base. Even from a distance I can make out the headline: Cheyenne County. A few yards closer, though, and I can make out another, smaller sign:

Caution. Rattlesnakes Are Native To This Area.

We'll never know what the historical marker actually said.

I immediately turn around and head back toward rest area civilization. Since Sadie has the disadvantage of not being able to read, she frolics on.

Pat sees I've turned back and am now walking toward her and asks why.

There's a sign that says "Caution Rattlesnakes" I say.

GET MY DOG! she says.

Glad to see where her priorities are. Risk the life of one friend by sending her back into harm's way to rescue another - apparently more important - friend.

Luckily, what Sadie lacks in literacy she makes up for in obedience. We called, she came, and we hit the road again.

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