Tuesday, August 4, 2009


When one shaves, one is subject to razor burn. When one has razor burn, it is best to discontinue shaving. Still, when the area no longer being shaved is the underarm area, one has to consider ones options.

That’s why this friend of mine thought depilatory might be the answer. Remove the hair without re-razoring the razor burn. Nair for sensitive skin was purchased and applied. Instructions were to leave it on three to ten minutes.

Sure, it stung a little at first. The price one pays for beauty. With each tick of the clock, however, the price skyrocketed.

Sting? Suddenly there was a brushfire under her arms.


It felt as if my friend had skipped the Nair and used lighter fluid and a match for hair removal. She attempted damage control with a wet washcloth, but the heat was too intense. So she threw herself under a cold shower, arms above her head, praying for deliverance.

Relief is slow in coming. The burns will take some time to heal. My friend's underarms are raw and an incandescent shade of red but, like scorched earth, they are free of growth.


  1. I am so sad for your friend. Are they feeling better?

  2. hope your poor "friend" feels less scorched soon. :)

  3. the things we do for beauty... when will we ever learn? I say LET IT GROW how long can underarm hair get. We don't complain about our mens growth - why should they complain about ours? REVOLT I SAY - LET YOUR UNDERARM HAIR FREE!!
