Friday, March 15, 2013

Sleep Follow-Up

I know, I know. You're all probably wondering "what on earth happened at Jeano's sleep study?"

Let me tell you:

1. I don't have sleep apnea. I don't have restless leg syndrome.

2. I never thought I did.

3. I was wired from head to toe. I'd estimate there were at least 15 wires and devices hooked up to various parts of my body.

4. During the 5 hours they said I slept, I never once achieved REM sleep.

5. I'm blaming that on #3.

6. I went home the next morning and took a shower. I had to work really hard to get the gauze and gooey stuff out of my hair from where they attached 4 wires.

7. Turned out they attached 5, and I didn't discover that till I was out of the shower and brushing my hair and hit more gauze and goo.

8. I now have concerns about how thoroughly I'm shampooing.

9. What were those directions again? Lather, rinse, repeat?

10. The study wasn't nearly as bad as I expected it to be.

15 Great Things About the Ides of March

1. My daughter is pregnant (so far, that’s made every day great)

2. My son had an interview for a swell new job

3. My son was asked for a second interview for that swell new job

4. My son’s girlfriend invited me to her OSU graduation in May
(she likes me, she really likes me!)

5. President Obama is the speaker at the May commencement
(I like him, I really like him!)

6. Sally Field quotes never get old

7. It’s Friday

8. It’s Friday and it’s warm outside

9. It’s Friday and it’s warm outside and I actually left the office
at lunchtime and bought a really cute Easter Thumper bunny
for my sweet Emily (don’t tell)

10. And a Jimmy John’s sub for me

11. And a Starbucks caramel frappacino

12. I got this card from a friend:

13. I actually have really good friends

14. None of them stabbed me either

15. After work, all I have to do is go home, get comfy, and finish reading my book