Wednesday, May 27, 2009


I saw this in an article at

"...Miles McPherson, pastor of the Rock Church in San Diego, said the court "did the right thing" in upholding Propostion 8 in California. "God didn't create the family that way," McPherson said. "You can't have a family with a mother and a mother, because [children] need a mother and a father to nurture their personality and their character."

I don't claim to be a Biblical scholar, but c'mon: "God didn't create the family that way?" I'm not sure we can credit God with creating the family. If you buy into the whole Adam and Eve thing, then the very first family was one big incestuous bunch of breeders. Doesn't sound very God-like to me.

Family dynamics are continually evolving. Seems to me that family is that safety net of people that children and adults can count on for support, love and nurturing - whether they're related or not, whether they're men or women, whether they're gay or straight.

God's gotta be okay with that.


  1. Nooooo...the gays! The GAYS! They'll ruin EVERYTHING with their monogamy and well-planned pregnancies...the HORROR!

    (thanks for posting this. :) i'm kind of hoping a mormon runs across this post because their google search reads my comment above.)

  2. Cliff and I actually had a discussion about this - while we're both against Proposition 8, the legal decision made by the court was probably right. The court didn't really uphold Prop 8 so much as it upheld the process by which the people of California are able to amend their state constitution. That being said, Pastor Miles is clearly a jack-ass
