Sunday, May 31, 2009


I took a quiz on Facebook
I thought I would do well
But now it seems I'm headed
For the burning gates of Hell

So I have to change my ways
I have to do it quick
Facebook said that Jesus thinks
I'm a sanctimonious prick

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


I saw this in an article at

"...Miles McPherson, pastor of the Rock Church in San Diego, said the court "did the right thing" in upholding Propostion 8 in California. "God didn't create the family that way," McPherson said. "You can't have a family with a mother and a mother, because [children] need a mother and a father to nurture their personality and their character."

I don't claim to be a Biblical scholar, but c'mon: "God didn't create the family that way?" I'm not sure we can credit God with creating the family. If you buy into the whole Adam and Eve thing, then the very first family was one big incestuous bunch of breeders. Doesn't sound very God-like to me.

Family dynamics are continually evolving. Seems to me that family is that safety net of people that children and adults can count on for support, love and nurturing - whether they're related or not, whether they're men or women, whether they're gay or straight.

God's gotta be okay with that.

Reality Check

(appropriately, a Mitsubishi haiku)

When the top is down
and I'm thinking I look cool,
my hair looks like hell

Ode to Buyers

One thing about buyers,
they all know the rules:
to be narrow-focused,
white-space filling,
copy-changing fools.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Ode to Bratwurst

Onions, mustard and a brat
Nestled in a bun
Is lip-smacking, belly-whacking
Cookout fun

(Have a great holiday weekend!)

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


I drive a cute convertible. In addition to cuteness, it's sensible, with a 4 cylinder engine, decent gas mileage, front wheel drive and an automatic top. That's why I bought it.

It's also equipped with a Rockford Fosgate sound system which is not why I bought it but that, according to my salesperson, is primo. Clearly visible in the back seat from outside the car is a dinner-plate size speaker that many people, especially young men, seem to appreciate.

Recently I've been freelancing at an office that is very close - unfortunately close, actually - to a McDonalds. I can live without McDonalds food, but I crave their caramel iced coffee. The temptation is always there and easily accessible.

A couple weeks ago I drove through McDonalds to get my coffee and the employee taking my money was a young man, maybe 20 years old. He noticed the speaker right away and while I can't recall the exact youthful language he used to express interest in my car, the gist of it was "pardon me ma'am, do you enjoy your car stereo?" When I said I probably wasn't the kind of person to fully appreciate it, he smiled and said - and this is a quote - "I bet you bump bump to the clubs every night."

Now there's an intriguing thought. Bump bumping to the clubs every night with the bass cranked up on the Temptations and Norah Jones.

At the drive-thru a few days later, the same young man took my money. I said something clever like "Oh, you're here again."

"Always here," he said, "How's the boom boom?"

The boom boom. The bump bump. ’S all good. I'm down wid it. Jammin' wit the James Taylor.

This week - coffee time again - and I know I drink too much but addiction is addiction. As I'm gathering up my 1.69, I hear "Aaaay, it's boom boom."

Boom boom. Yep, that's how I roll. Boom boom mama in her bad ass car.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Job Interviews

Is there anything worse
than a job interview?
Not panties that ride
or too tight a shoe,
not sharp papercuts
or pain when you chew,
not cold sores
or bad breath
or hangnails
or flu.
No, nothing is worse
than a job interview.