Monday, October 5, 2009

Gambling On Issue 3

Here's my cynical view on Issue 3, not that you asked.

You can't believe a word you hear in the ads.

Politicians are not for or against gambling. They are FOR anything that will fill their coffers and get them re-elected and AGAINST anything that won't.

Many ads surrounding gambling issues are paid for by existing gaming companies. If the issue in question will bring money to THEIR casinos, then casinos in Ohio will provide jobs, lower taxes, make your kids smarter and extend life expectancy. If the issue in question will bring money to SOMEONE ELSE'S casinos, then casinos in Ohio will not pay taxes, will not provide new jobs, will lead to the end of civilization as we know it and turn your sister into a hooker.


If you like to gamble and want to gamble in Ohio, vote yes on Issue 3.

If you don't want to gamble, and believe your neighbors shouldn't either, vote no on Issue 3.

Either way, somebody's going to get rich and it's not going to be you.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

I Love October

I got married in October
and that wasn’t all bad,
I had Chrissy in October
and that made me glad.

I like sweaters in October
and pies (when Chrissy bakes ’em),
I like leaves in October
since I don’t have to rakes ’em.

Halloween is in October
and that means chocolate candy,
October’s cool and crisp and comfortable,
and I think that’s dandy.